
Monday, November 26, 2018

blog writing

This is my free blog wring I enjoyed this task my next steps are to work on my punctuation and to organise my writing better i found this task alright.

The tree
I gaze upon the bright moon my leaves blowing in the midnight wind  I stare at myself through the lake. It was so cold my leaves were falling to the ground which made me even colder I scan the sky hoping to find just one star because every time I look at a star it makes me fall asleep. suddenly my eyes zoom in to this one star I yawn and before I know it the sun was out again the bees were buzzing and the beautiful flowers were blowing the wind.   

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Monday, November 19, 2018

Te tai tokerua regionals 2018

Last weekend our roopu  preformed at Te tai tokerua regionals in Whangarei at the ASB stadium we  placed  3rd  and are going to nationals next year our group was so happy to place we look forward to performing in Waikato next year at nationals I am so proud of the group and myself

Monday, November 12, 2018

free blog writing

The walkway

I gaze upon the forest as i'm on my way to my Nan's cottage goosebumps slithered up legs  
i still have a while to walk i say in my head i never walk by myself but i was rushing to say bye to my Nan before i leave to boarding school i take one step in the dark forest and .......TO BE CONTINUE

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Monday, November 5, 2018

free blog writing-kapahaka

On the weekend we had our second to last kapahaka liven this week was a very hard week for me because i had a sore body before our liven even stared.we have completed our bracket but now we are working on polishing all our items so they look tidy. one thing I found hard is singing load but that's what i will be focusing on.we are training to perform at regional's in 2 weeks at the stadium in whangarei im excited but also very nervous  

Friday, November 2, 2018


This morning we preformed our items for assembly our theme was Halloween we peforemd in front of the school  our were items we did 2 dancers one song and we shared our Te reo selfies it was a fun assembly and i enjoyed being apart of it.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Te reo video

Room 6 and 5 have been doing a Te reo selfie video where you had to talk about yourself here is my one. I really enjoyed this task my it was fun to speak Maori in our whole video I hope you like it

Maori maze game

Maori maze game

Our task for Maori was to figure out how to go through this maze using Maori directions. This is what I did.our directions were 
Piki ake - go up
Heke iho - go down
Ka tu - stop
 Haere tōtika - go straight

Monday, August 27, 2018

carpool karoke

For our assembly we did a carpool karaoke  we had to get in to a group of 3-4 and choose a song to 
lip sync and dance along to it was a really fun item on the day of our assembly it was presented on the projector in front off the school. I hope you enjoy : ) P.S my group is the first one on the video 

Monday, August 6, 2018

Maths eyes

For maths our task was to take a photo of anything and create a google slide and pull out what types of maths related things we see in the picture this what i made i hope you like it : )

Friday, August 3, 2018

For this activity our task was to share our learning with our family and give a idea about about what we do at school by doing this we explained our learning showing them our goals example of our work and how we think our behaviour has been this year it was a very cool task.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Kauri dieback

For reading we learnt about kauri dieback.kauri dieback is a disease that kills our kauri trees our task was to make a fact file here is a example of my work i had made i hope you like it.

Friday, June 22, 2018

work reflection

What room 5 have been doing this week

This week has been a very busy week we did a Narrative for our writing we choose one of the photos that our teachers selected  witch was fun we also done a reading activity called new boots and we also have been planning on how we will present our waitangi work because we went to waitangi last week to learn about awa and waka and we worked with a lot of digital tools so i have enjoyed this week
at school.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Matariki Haiku

Haiku is a very short form of Japanese poetry we made a haiku poem based on matariki Haiku poems count each syllable there are only 3 lines the first line has 5 the middle one also has sevan and 5 in the last one

Mozzarella cheese - Tech

Pizza- For a while we have been focusing on cheese for our technology this week we made mozzarella and put it on our pizzas me and my group made a dlo about our work.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Tec-paneer chesse

For technology we made cheese called paneer cheese it was a very yucky cheese because it does not have much flavor we had our cheese with cracks we used milk and lemon juice to make it  this is me and my groups reflection. 

Thursday, May 31, 2018


This is one of my writing about plastic bags this topic has made me think about how
bad plastic bags really are for us and our environment.

Monday, May 21, 2018

bully poster

This is my bully poster that i made i answered all the question that we had to answer

Friday, May 18, 2018

TEC 2018

                                       TECHNOLOGY                                            For tec we are learning about cheese our question was.When a cheese is not a cheese can it still be a cheese?  we  mixed to   ingredients together which was redbull and milk this is how it reacted .                                                                                        


Wednesday, May 9, 2018


today we did maths we learned how to break up numbers to make our calculations easier and fast rather than counting on and back with our fingers.i really enjoyed this maths activity 

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Maths activity(Number pieces)

In maths we learned how to do place value  we used  500 hundreds 3 tens and 1 ones (531)
and then we did 300 hundred 4 tens 5 ones and added them together  

Friday, March 9, 2018

Reading act

 For reading we have been learning how identify the author's purpose.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

kawa of care

This is my kawa of care I made it with my friend it is about caring for you chromebook

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


     This week we have done our tauparapara and pepeha 
 we have done this task so we talk on taumata and know what to say when
we do taumata